Mickey Silver Human Slot Machine
First time playing poker at the casino. Mar 05, 2008 Everyone's a little nervous their first time. Usually the poker room will allow one hour between the time you call and the time you arrive at the casino to check in. If there is a waiting list, this will save you from having to sit around the casino for an.
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- Feb 19, 2009 Anyone know where I can learn the routine Micky Silver does where he pulls like 20 coins out of his face and hair and lets them all clank on the table.
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It had White Label also, but that was discontinued. It was originally known as Walker’s Kilmamock Whiskey, but it became popular as Johnnie Walker after the grocer ‘John’ who first introduced it. It originated from Scotland in 1820 and the brand is owned by Diageo. It was branded ‘Johnny Walker’ by the legacy left behind by him.It has five varieties now; Red Label, Black Label, Green Label, Gold Label and Blue Label.
MICKEY SILVER Elite user Boston, Ma. 442 Posts | 4 'THE HUMAN SLOT MACHINE' ... Click >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjWk42JGr0c&feature=youtu.be It has been my experience that this Human Slot Machine routine always amazes people 'ANYWHERE AT ANYTIME'... The reason and very key that actually amazes people .is that only seconds prior to performing this they all see my hands totally empty. This then has them asking themselves 'HOW THE HELL DID HE PULL THOSE SILVER DOLLARS OUT OF HIS EYES , EARS AND MOUTH? I SWEAR HIS HANDS WERE EMPTY!!!! I SAW THEM EMPTY!!!!! .. THE ELEMENT OF SURPRISE IS THE KEY HERE FOR AMAZEMENT!!!! MICKEY SILVER |
Mb2177 New user 35 Posts | 0 This is always something to see, and makes the old, Miser's Dream a yawn. Always so amazing and unique. Great job, Mick but as usual the crowd tells the bigger story as to good, better, best..After you watch, just listen! That's what it's all about. -Mb |
cperkins Special user 697 Posts | 0 I've been fortunate to see Mickey perform live on two occasions. His coin routines are distinct from many of the traditional in the sense that most have such high visual impact. Strong illusion that just amazes when seen in person. He sets it all up beautifully with his audience and then proceeds to just blow them away. He can set up magicians just as easily. Not your average trickster - he's an illusionist in every sense. I love his magic and I think he provides this subset of closeup magic with some new and exciting dimensions. Coin magic needs that, but I say 'he' because I see no one else around do or attempt to do anything that he does. Interestingly, it seems it hasn't influenced or motivated others to perform it - a bit like Sylvester the Jester's famous pitch. Although a treat to behold everytime I watch these two, I never see it performed by others. Of course, Mickey is silent on his real technique - his prerogative entirely since he's the author of his own magic. I'll watch him perform anytime I can. cp To see a difficult thing lightly handled gives the impression of the impossible. (Goethe) |
inigmntoya Inner circle DC area native, now in Atlanta 1955 Posts | 0 Quote: On Jul 19, 2014, Mb2177 wrote: A feast for both the eyes and ears. Added to the element of surprise puts it over the top. It's just plain fun to watch, even on repeated viewing when you know what's going to happen. |
Dougini Inner circle The Beautiful State Of Maine 6718 Posts | 0 Quote: On Jul 19, 2014, cperkins wrote:.. I am glad no one is doing what Mickey does! It should motivate people to develop their OWN style, as Mickey has done. Quote: Of course, Mickey is silent on his real technique - his prerogative entirely since he's the author of his own magic. For that, I am also glad! YouTube would be FULL of bad Mickey clones, fumbling with coins! LOL! Doug |
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Mickey Silver Human Slot Machine Games
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