Is 3 6 Casino Unbeatable Cuz Of Rake
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05 Apr

If you shout long and loud enough, or repeat yourself often enough, people will believe what you’re saying right? Well, in Daniel Negreanu’s case people are struggling to even understand him let alone believe that his views on rake in poker are a good thing!
Is 3 6 Casino Unbeatable Cuz Of Rake 2
The mercurial Canadian, who is basically the professional spokesperson for PokerStars, has used Twitter and his own poker blog to try to explain how his views on that extra money for the ‘house’ benefits recreational players – but many, including his irascible arch-enemy Doug Polk, are having none of it…
Thank you sir. It's maddening to spread this falsehood that I think higher rake is 'good for poker' it is simply not true.
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker) March 22, 2017Why most players lose at poker – the rake. The rake, the money the casino takes in exchange for letting you play, is a key determining factor of whether or not any game is potentially. I go to Vegas a few times a year, and I can't believe how much the rake is on some of the tournaments. I see anything that is 100 and under is usually a 25 percent rake and higher. The Aria probably has the best and least takes tournament, and it is still 20 percent. Are these rakes beatable? Please answer These are the rakes at Crown casino in Melbourne, Australia: At $1/2 it's 12% up to $20 cap At $1/3 it's 10% up to $12 cap At $2/4 it's 10% up to $12 cap At $5/5 it's 10% up to $10 cap. Of course, 20% rake is very much. Anyway, as it seems, you are not right and this is not 20%. I,m sure, no one will play any game with such a rake.
Well, it didn’t take long before the wolves were at his door claiming that he actually DID say exactly what he’s claiming not to have said! Doug Polk was not shy about wading into the fray, yet another DNegs vs Polk Twitter fight ensuing…
The war of words on what is a highly contentious issue among poker players of almost every standard, led Daniel to post on his FullContactPoker site that:
”I do not believe that raising the rake is good for poker. Rake increases take more money out of the game and benefit whoever is collecting the rake. That is my position on rake. Period.”
My Thoughts on RAKE!
Is 3 6 Casino Unbeatable Cuz Of Rake Game
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker) March 23, 2017This view, however, is not what most people thought he was saying during an hour-long interview recently with Rikard Aberg, during which Negreanu explained that a higher rake was actually better for the game overall as it keeps the pros away and those recreational players left lose their money slower than they would otherwise.
@DougPolkPoker@RealKidPoker Do you want to double down Daniel?
— Joseph Liberta (@JosephLiberta) March 23, 2017Many feel that these words of Negreanu’s were just a way of saying that PokerStars are right to increase the rake, and keep the rewards for winning players so low (or not at all) that only recs can really play – and they will lose their money eventually to… PokerStars! In rake.
Negreanu’s blog attempts to clarify what he actually meant were cutting no ice with Polk and most others, however.
I'm not sure if you realize you're lying, but you specifically said that recreational players lose less and that's better for the ecosystem.
— gN Doug Polk (@DougPolkPoker) March 22, 2017The back and forth continued, with Negreanu quite certain that what he said was not only true but also entirely correct as far as aiding poker goes, but his words were only riling Polk more.
You should have just said, I misworded what I said before, more rake is not good for the ecosystem. Defending the position gives it life.
— gN Doug Polk (@DougPolkPoker) March 22, 2017Of course, with a history between the two players, several ‘incidents’ actually including Daniel claiming that he could beat high-stakes online heads-up with only two weeks of practice, Polk being rather annoyed that DNegs was up for a recent media award despite a very low output this past year or so, and the recent use or misuse of copyright material in their respective vlogs and YouTube videos.
Joe Ingram, of Chicago Joey podcast fame, soon offered a time and a place for the two to meet and iron out their differences…
600 likes and I will have @DougPolkPoker vs @RealKidPoker on the podcast to have a good ol fashion 1v1 on all topics
— gN Joey Ingram (@Joeingram1) March 23, 2017…but Polk was dismissive of the idea almost immediately…
Is 3 6 Casino Unbeatable Cuz Of Rake Full
TBH this sounds extremely annoying If it's gonna turn into him just blatantly ignoring what I say like he did on Twitter today.
— gN Doug Polk (@DougPolkPoker) March 23, 2017However, though Polk and Negreanu genuinely believe in the positions they are fighting for, neither can stay away from humorous digs for long. Polk soon had a competition underway…
We already have an impressive number of entries for #Rakeit! Strong early entry from
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— gN Doug Polk (@DougPolkPoker) April 4, 2017…so I guess it’s over to Daniel now! Serious subjects sometimes need a lighter moment or two, and this pair are sure to provide that if nothing else.